Chris Palmer

Strategy, Energy, Education, & Technology

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On November 2nd, 2014 I went down to New York City to run my first marathon. The run was challenging, exciting, and one of the most intense things I've ever participated in. With it behind me, and having had some time to both recover from, and absorb, the experience, I wanted to take the time to share some of the highlights and some of the things I learned along the way.

Categories: Personal, Sport 5 like

As some of you may know, I fell into something of a fitness kick early this year. I cleaned up my diet, started hitting the gym, and began running. All with the goal to get back to what I weighed in High School (~185 pounds). in early November, I reached that goal. To celebrate New Years Eve, and possibly provide some motivation for those with resolutions, I wanted to share my story.

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