Microsoft has been led by Steve Ballmer for 14 years. In August, Ballmer plans to step aside, handing the reigns to his successor. As names have been added and removed from the list, the difficulty of the challenge faced by Microsoft becomes increasingly more clear. Will Microsoft be able to find a suitable replacement? I take a look at the situation, and the reality of the next steps for the organization.
By now, most are likely more than familiar with 3D printing. It's been all over the press and is, even as you read this, drastically re-inventing manufacturing. Perhaps equally transformative, but far-less well known, is the related process of 3D Scanning. Having worked with the technology before, I wanted to provide something of an introduction to the technology.
Every once in a while, I’ll make passing mention that I’m listening to one podcast or another. After explaining that yes, podcasting is still a thing, I’m sometimes asked if I have any recommendations. I've decided to put together a list of my current favorites to kick off 2014. Alongside why I believe each podcast is worthy of your time, I will provide both links for both iTunes and other podcasting platforms.
The content of this blog post has been lost. It will be re-written as resources allow.
The content of this blog post has been lost. It will be re-written as resources allow.